Sunday, July 18, 2010

100%...or at least 85%

Last Sunday my home group was discussing the topic of work which turned into a talk about life in general. One of the points made by a friend of mine was that he wanted to give 100% to whatever activity he was involved in. If he was playing with his kids he had his phone off and was completely immersed in them, if he was at work then he was focused on that and giving it his all, etc.

Rarely do I give things 100%. Israel has been the one exception and really that has only been because he required 100% of my time. But as he's getting a little older and more self-sufficient I can see myself not giving him all of my focus when he really deserves it and I'm not wanting that to become a habit. Also, being a woman, multi-tasking is just a part of life. However, I want it to be utilized only when really necessary.

So, this is my plan: if I'm talking on the phone to a friend, I'm going to stop whatever else is going on and pay attention to her and her alone. I'm going to stick to my work-out (because honestly, I have done it 5 days a week for the last 2 weeks which is a record for me and I want to keep riding the wave)!! When I'm getting ready for bed at night, I'm going to take the time to floss my teeth, take off my eye-makeup and enjoy the 5 minutes I have of pampering myself in a way. When I do my devotions, I'm going to turn my phone off and wait to do them 'til Izzy is sleeping so I can have 20 uninterrupted moments alone with my Savior. When I'm doing chores around the house, I'm going to do one at a time from start to finish and I'm going to do it well.

I truly believe that by focusing more of my attention to the task at hand I will not only get more accomplished, but I'll be (here comes the cliché phrase) - living life to the fullest. As I get closer to 30 which is closer to 40 which is closer to 50, I'm realizing that life is moving rapidly by me and I'm not living it to the extent that I know I'm capable of and to the degree that I know the Lord created me to enjoy it. That needs to change.

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